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Plumbing myths

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Admit it whenever there is a plumbing problem you all transform yourself into a plumber like a member of Colorado Plumbingand start to work upon it. Before doing anything, you should be clear that the practice you are planning to do will not have an adverse effect and isn’t a myth that you are following, let’s make you aware about some myths.

Leaking faucet is not a big deal

Ignoring leaking faucet is a major mistake but people become ignorant about it, thinking it isn’t a big deal. But, constant drop by drop loss of water from faucet becomes loss of a large amount of water in a single day. If you don’t want your water bill to shoot up, don’t be ignorant for a leaking faucet and getting it repaired should be your priority.


Flushing the flushable tissues, wipes are not a good practice as it can clog the pipeline.

Proper draining, signals no clog

If the drainage is proper and toilet can be flushed properly, it doesn’t mean that there are no clogs. There can be hidden clogs that can severely damage your pipeline system. Go for video camera sewer inspectioninspection annually. This is the way to discover clogs and to get rid of them.

Liquid drain cleaners

You may think that liquid drainage is very helpful and effective. No, the chemicals present in liquid drainers are corrosive and have the capability to damage the pipeline. If you are facing drainage problem, simply search drain cleaner service near me and get it cleaned.

Noise from water heaters

There’s no need to worry if your water heater become noisy, it’ll not explode don’t worry. If there’s no problem rather than noise from water heater then, don’t make yourself stressed. It can be due to hard water. Hard water form layers of minerals. Heat generated tries to escape from these layers. The air bubbles that comes out are the cause of that noise.

Brick in toilet tanks

Placing a brick in toilet tanks is done to save water. It is a myth; it will just cause strain in the flow of water because of which the damage can occur. If the brick is not strong enough, its small pieces can drain and can cause hidden clogs.

- June 02, 2021

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